Bad Breath Treatment

Bad breath is embarrassing as it is an indication of poor oral health. However, with proper dental care bad breath, also called halitosis, can be treated and eliminated. Maintaining good oral health is the key to reducing bad breath. Oral bacteria that builds up on the back of your tongue or in between your teeth is the main culprit behind bad breath. Bad breath can be caused by food impaction due to poor dental restorations, smoking, dry mouth, sinus conditions and most often; gum disease. Sometimes genetics can also play a role. Dr. Neda Naim uses her expertise in periodontal health to properly evaluate the source of bad breath and create a treatment plan to eliminate your bad breath and restore your oral health so that you can feel more confident. Dr. Naim and her team at Brentwood Dentistry, located in Los Angeles, offer effective solutions to clients struggling with halitosis. A special complimentary appointment is offered to all new clients. Getting rid of bad breath has never been this easy!

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Bad breath (halitosis) is caused by the break down of bacteria in the mouth. The bacteria need an environment that is oxygen free; such as pockets around teeth, between open contacting teeth, open crowns and fillings and fissures on the tongue. The bacteria in turn create a sulfur toxin that gives off a bad odor, ultimately causing bad breath.

There are other causes of bad breath, such as smoking, dry mouth caused by some medications or systemic problems, in addition to the consumption of certain foods such as garlic. Bad breath can also be a sign of dehydration or zinc deficiency. Other factors that can contribute to bad breath are:

  • Genetics
  • Poor Oral Hygiene Habits
  • Food impaction
  • Underlying diseases such as gum disease
  • Poor dental work

Therefore, we recommend a full medical examination and blood work up to be sure there is no underlying health issue contributing to the bad odor. We also recommend that an experienced and qualified dentist perform an oral and periodontal (gum) exam. Eliminating bad breath is dependent on finding the root of the cause. As an expert in periodontal health, Dr. Naim evaluates each patient to uncover the cause of his or her halitosis. Once the cause is known, she uses advanced techniques to restore their oral health.


Since the toxins given off by bacteria are often responsible for bad breath, the first step is to rid the mouth of the bacteria. Dr. Naim may recommend a regular cleaning or in more advanced cases, a “deep cleaning” also known as scaling. Root planning may also be recommended. Scaling and root planning is a non-surgical procedure that removes the bacteria deep below the pockets around the teeth. The plaque and tartar deep below the teeth are removed and the root surfaces are then smoothed to avoid more plaque buildup. In addition, a liquid anti-bacterial agent is used to irrigate the pockets around the teeth.

An anti-bacterial rinse may also be recommended for at home use. Furthermore, here are some helpful tips to promote healthy oral hygiene habits:

  • Improve your dental hygiene practice. Brush your teeth and tongue at least twice a day and after every after meal. Rinse your mouth out with an antibacterial mouthwash. Use floss to get rid of food that is caught between teeth at least once a day.
  • Stop Smoking. Tobacco causes stained teeth and bad breath. Your dentist can help you kick the habit.
  • See your dentist regularly. Brentwood Dental works with every client and comes up with a plan of care to tackle periodontal issues.

Arestin with deep cleaning (Scaling and Root Planing) is nearly 3 times more likely to result in successful treatment than deep cleaning alone. Arestin is a special antibiotic treatment for gum disease. It is a powder composed of tiny microspheres that slowly releases antibiotics over a period of time. Dr. Naim may recommend Arestin placement into the pocket between your gum and tooth.

Arestin in conjunction with proper scaling and root planning treatment, as specified by Dr. Naim, can make your treatment more effective by killing the microscopic bacteria left behind after deep cleaning treatment. A major benefit of Arestin is that it continues to work even after the dental cleaning is over. Arestin’s time-release feature is what makes it effective, especially for clients whose halitosis is caused by bacteria in the gum area.